Wednesday 19 June 2013

Samsung Medical Center uses intelligent RFID system to enhance patient experience

Samsung Medical Center, news release in Korean (summary), June 19, 2013:

Samsung Medical Center has rolled out an intelligent RFID system to enhance patient experience at its health screening center. All patients registered at the center will receive an integrated RFID tag.

In addition to locking and unlocking their lockers using the RFID tag, the system helps to shorten patient waiting time by adding a patient into the queue automatically when the right patient arrives at a laboratory or room. Wall-mounted LCD panels placed at strategic locations around the health screening center display accurate personalized information about waiting times and other procedural information related to the patient when he or she walks pass them. No manual tapping is required.

This system also helps patients enhance their experience as they journey through this intelligent health screening center.

To view the full news release in Korean, please visit the following link: