Monday 3 October 2011

Wireless temperature monitoring at a Wuxi hospital reduces costs of labor and consumables and chances of spread of infection

中国数学医学 (China Digital Medicine), article in Chinese (extract; original and translated), October 2011:

Last paragraph of article (translated):
The use of RFID-based temperature sensors to measure temperature represents a change from the manual methods used in the past. Such sensors can be conveniently used for continuous monitoring of critically-ill patients, patients with infectious diseases, and patients with fever. In particular, they can be used to enable timely treatment of patients whose body temperature lies outside the normal range. At the same time, they can help the hospital to reduce not only the costs of labor and consumables but also the chances of infection arising from people-to-people contact. Currently, the use of RFID technology in healthcare is still in its early stages of development, but the prospects look promising. There is a need for further research and development in this area. 

文章的最后一段 (原文):
RFID 体温传感器的使用改变了以往测量体温手工工作模式,方便对重症病人,传染病人和发热病人进行持续体温测量和监控,可以为体温超过正常范围的病人提供及时治疗。同时,为医院减轻了人力成本和消耗品成本,减少了人与人之间的接触传染。当前,基于 RFID 技术的医疗应用尚处于起步阶段,但已显示出广阔前景,还需进一步开发和研究。

满祎, 陈敏亚 (Man Y, Chen M). 基于RFID 技术的体温传感器在医院的应用 (The use of RFID-based body temperature sensing in a hospital) [in Chinese]. 中国数学医学 (China Digital Medicine) 2011; 6(10):25–27.

The authors of this article were from the Affiliated Wuxi People’s Hospital of Nanjing Medical University (南京医科大学附属无锡市人民医院), where the Cadi SmartSense wireless temperature monitoring system was installed in the hospital's ICU.